Distance to Langkawi |
London, United Kingdom to Langkawi : 6,219 miles (10,169 km) Paris, France to Langkawi 6,228 miles (10,023 km) Rome, Italy to langkawi : 4,616 miles (7,428 km) Stockholm, Sweden to Langkawi : 5,559 miles (8,946 km) Berlin, Germany to Langkawi : 5,719 miles (9,203 km) Madrid, Spain to Langkawi : 6,637 miles (10,681 km) New York, USA to Langkawi : 9,172 miles (14,760 km) Los Angeles, USA to Langkawi : 8,790 miles (14,144 km) Vancouver, Canada to Langkawi : 7,944 miles (12,783 km) Tokyo, Japan to Langkawi : 3,245 miles (5,222 km) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to Langkawi : 3,727 miles (5,998 km) |
Currency |
The unit of currency is Malaysian Ringgit indicated as RM. USD1 is roughly equivalent to RM3.80. Foreign currency can be converted at banks, money changers and at some hotels. |
Banking Hours |
Sat – Wed: 9.30am – 4.00pm; Thur: 9.30am – 11.30am; Fri: closed |
Post Offices |
Open from 8.00am to 5.00pm daily except Fridays and public holidays. |
Time |
Eight hours ahead of GMT and 16 hours ahead of U.S. Pacific Standard Time. |
Electricity |
Weights and Measures |
Like the rest of Malaysia, Langkawi follows the metric system in weights and measures. |
Telephones |
Local calls can be made from public phones using coins or pre-paid cards. International calls can be made from public phones with card phone facilities or at the TM office in Kuah town. |
Accommodation |
Langkawi has a wide range of accommodation at competitive rates. International standard, medium and budget hotels; youth hostels; and timeshare apartments are just some of the types of accommodation available. Location can be the determining factor in fixing rates. Beach hotels may be higher priced. |
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Sunday, April 12, 2009
Last Updated : 2008-04-08 16:21:01
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